I drew my ocean environment. you first pretend you an animal in the ocean. then draw your habitat on a piece of paper. look at my drawing below.
I drew my ocean environment. you first pretend you an animal in the ocean. then draw your habitat on a piece of paper. look at my drawing below.
I drew a main idea and a supporting detail chart. I’m just telling you an example to teach you and your children about a main idea and a supporting detail. for example the main idea is: “cheetahs are the fastest animals on land because they have special traits”. now the supporting details will tell what makes a cheetah run so fast. so now we are going to write the supporting details: “long muscular legs, claws that grip the ground and long tails that help them turn”. so the main idea is the main sentence. and the supporting detail backs up the main idea. check out my drawing below so that you can get a clear idea in your mind.
if any one of you are doing study on reading and writing then I hope you find this useful.
oceans! you cant even imagine that how deep are they.
SUBHAANALLAAH! they look so beautiful. there are three zones in the ocean. the first one is the sunlight zone. which is the zone in which the sun’s light reaches in this zone. this is why many plants and animals live here. the second zone is the twilight zone which is a little darker than the sunlight zone. fewer plants and animals live here. the third zone is the midnight zone. very very few plants and animals live here. I made a drawing of the three zones. the bright blue is the sunlight zone, the dark blue is the twilight zone, and the black one is the mid night zone. just look at my drawing and figure out how dark the midnight zone is. and how bright the sunlight zone is. look at my drawing below.
I hope you find this drawing useful in your ocean study.
This shoe looks the silliest to me because of it’s shape. Also because no one can walk with it so what’s the use of wearing such kind of shoes.
i have put a post on al atfaal express about lion and rhino park. check it out here! wassalam
i made this story about dinosaurs in a website called five card story. you can see it from here
i wrote a lecture about islam.
here is the photo of it:
in this i also brainstormed.
I have made this like the one about houses. I first brainstormed the words. Here is the photo of it:
I am posting another post after this one.
i have done one activity about problem solving.
it gives one story and a few clues.
you circle the thing which is correct and cancel the numbers which are not correct. the stories are as follows: Telly’s age, Is Jonas in trouble? and Detective party.
I have done one activity of whales
First i brainstormed the things eaten by whales. Next i wrote them in my notebook. Then i wrote them in Microsoft Word. Next i cut paste them in alphabetical order. Below is my alphabetical list of Whale’s food.
oceans are very deep
we cannot explore more than this
blue part is sunlight zone
black part is no sunlight
i have made this pic on paper by my self
my movie of camel(like a presentation)
it tells the difference between both camels we put a nasheeed (poem) called tabassam meaning smile.